Practise & Pass Movers Pupils Book Paperback

Regime speciale di esenzione per le piccole imprese, spedizione esclusa

Termine di spedizione 2 - 7 Giorni

ISBN-13: 978-1905085392
Suitable for pupils who need to prepare and practise for the Cambridge YLE Test over a relatively short period or alongside another course book, this title provides 20 to 30 hours of material. Including a collection of practice tests, it features activities that follow a clear progression, so the pupils prepare, practise and pass.

Informazioni sul prodotto


Practise and Pass Movers is especially useful for pupils who need to prepare and practise for the Cambridge YLE Test over a relatively short period or alongside another course book. It provides 20 to 30 hours of material.

Practise and Pass Movers is much more than a collection of practice tests. The activities are lively and communicative and follow a clear progression, so the pupils prepare, practise and pass.

In the "prepare" section the language is introduced, in the "practise" section the language is practised in a meaningful and fun way and finally in the "pass" section the language is tested in a way that will make the eventual test familiar to the pupils.

The Pupil's Book is further divided into three sections , with separate sections covering the Listening, Speaking and Reading and Writing parts of the test, so that it is possible to work on different parts of the exam if extra work is required

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